904 research outputs found

    Intestinal Stem Cells to Advance Drug Development, Precision, and Regenerative Medicine: A Paradigm Shift in Translational Research

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    Recent advances in our understanding of the intestinal stem cell niche and the role of key signaling pathways on cell growth and maintenance have allowed the development of fully differentiated epithelial cells in 3D organoids. Stem cell-derived organoids carry significant levels of proteins that are natively expressed in the gut and have important roles in drug transport and metabolism. They are, therefore, particularly relevant to study the gastrointestinal (GI) absorption of oral medications. In addition, organoids have the potential to serve as a robust preclinical model for demonstrating the effectiveness of new drugs more rapidly, with more certainty, and at lower costs compared with live animal studies. Importantly, because they are derived from individuals with different genotypes, environmental risk factors and drug sensitivity profiles, organoids are a highly relevant screening system for personalized therapy in both human and veterinary medicine. Lastly, and in the context of patient-specific congenital diseases, orthotopic transplantation of engineered organoids could repair and/or replace damaged epithelial tissues reported in various GI diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, cystic fibrosis, and tuft enteropathy. Ongoing translational research on organoids derived from dogs with naturally occurring digestive disorders has the potential to improve the predictability of preclinical models used for optimizing the therapeutic management of severe chronic enteropathies in human patients

    Efficacy of Personalized Foot Orthoses in Children with Flexible Flat Foot: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Pediatric flat foot (PFF) is a very frequent entity and a common concern for parents and health professionals. There is no established definition, diagnostic method, or clear treatment approach. There are multiple conservative and surgical treatments, the implantation of foot orthoses (FO) being the most used treatment. The evidence supporting FO is very thin. It is not clearly known what the effect of these is, nor when it is convenient to recommend them. The main objective of this protocol is to design a randomized controlled trial to determine if personalized FO, together with a specific exercise regimen, produce the same or better results regarding the signs and symptoms of PFF, compared to only specific exercises. In order to respond to the stated objectives, we have proposed a randomized controlled clinical trial, in which we intend to evaluate the efficacy of FO together with strengthening exercises, compared to a control group in which placebos will be implanted as FO treatment along with the same exercises as the experimental group. For this, four measurements will be taken throughout 18 months (pre-treatment, two during treatment and finally another posttreatment measurement). The combination of FO plus exercise is expected to improve the signs and symptoms (if present) of PFF compared to exercise alone and the placebo FO group. In addition, it is expected that in both conditions the biomechanics of the foot will improve compared to the initial measurements

    Tense distributive lattices: algebra, logic and topology

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    Tense logic was introduced by Arthur Prior in the late 1950s as a result of his interest in the relationship between tense and modality. Prior's idea was to add four primitive modal-like unary connectives to the base language today widely known as Prior's tense operators. Since then, Prior's operators have been considered in many contexts by different authors, in particular, in the context of algebraic logic. Here, we consider the category tdlat of bounded distributive lattices equipped with Prior's tense operators. We establish categorical dualities for tdlat in terms of certain categories of Kripke frames and Priestley spaces, respectively. As an application, we characterize the congruence lattice of any tense distributive lattice as well as the subdirectly irreducible members of this category. Finally, we define the logic that preserves degrees of truth with respect to tdlat-algebras and precise the relation between particular sub-classes of tdlat and know tense logics found in the literature

    Signal balancing in unbalanced transmission lines

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    Balanced lines operating as transmission line interconnects are subjected to differential-mode to common-mode conversion (and vice versa) in situations where symmetry imbalances (e.g., caused by line bends) are unavoidable. In this paper, a technique to compensate for such symmetry imbalances, providing pure differential-mode signals at the differential output port of the line, is presented. Such technique uses a rat-race balun (to generate the differential-mode signal) with the isolated port conveniently loaded, and it is based on the modification of the characteristic impedance of one of the unbalanced lines. A detailed analysis that justifies this compensation technique (valid for any arbitrary four-port network) and provides the design equations is presented. The approach is validated through simulation and experiment, by demonstrating that common-mode signals are not transmitted to the differential output port of a bended (i.e., unbalanced) line pai

    Las áreas y edificios para actividades económicas frente al cambio climático: adaptación de los espacios industriales del duranguesado

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    Resumen: El cambio climático es una realidad a la que hay que hacer frente, para ello esta propuesta de intervención trataráde dar medidas de adaptación para las áreas de actividad económica del Duranguesado ante episodios de olas de calor y lluvias torrencialesconsecuencia del cambio climático.Se pretende disponer áreas y edificaciones más resilientes utilizando como apoyo el software Envimet.Laburpena: Aurre egin behar zaion errealitatea da klima-aldaketa. Hau lortzeko durangaldean kokaturiko ekintza ekonomikokoeremuak moldatzeko neurrien interbentzio proposamena sortu da klima aldaketaren ondorio diren bero boladei eta uholde-euriteei aurre egin ahal izateko. Erresilientzia handiagoko eremu eta eraikinak sortzen saiatuko da Envimet software-aren laguntzaren bitartezAbstract: Climate change is a fact that the society has to face, this intervention proposal will give adaptation measures for the areas of economic activity in order to deal with heat waves and torrential rains consequence of the climate change in the region of the Duranguesado. The aim is to provide more resilient areas and buildings using as a tool the Envimet software

    Automatización de banco de ensayos para aerogeneradores de imanes permanentes con conexión a red

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    [ES] Se realizará el control y visualización de un banco de ensayos para aerogeneradores de imanes permanentes con conexión a red. El banco consistirá en el generador bajo pruebas con su correspondiente inversor de conexión a red y de un motor auxiliar y un accionamiento eléctrico. Con el control del motor auxiliar y su accionamiento eléctrico se podrá implementar distintas condiciones de funcionamiento para testear el funcionamiento del generador. El control se realizará basando en un sistema de autómata programable y se desarrollará una aplicación SCADA desde la cual controlar y monitorizar todo el sistema.Frimpong Martín, J. (2019). Automatización de banco de ensayos para aerogeneradores de imanes permanentes con conexión a red. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/126677TFG

    Implementación en una FPGA de un procesador básico basado en MIPS

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado consiste en la realización de un microprocesador MIPS básico mediante la implementación sobre un dispositivo FPGA utilizando un lenguaje VHDL. Se trata de un microprocesador MIPS básico, debido al conjunto de instrucciones que es capaz de cumplir, así como de los programas que con estas instrucciones permite ejecutar. El microprocesador se implementa en un dispositivo FPGA debido a la versatilidad de programación que estos elementos poseen. Para ejecutar el conjunto de instrucciones, el microprocesador MIPS básico se compone de diferentes partes o elementos: Contador de programa, memoria de instrucciones, banco de registros, ALU, memoria de datos y elementos que operan de forma aritmética o lógica con los bits que existen a sus entradas. Este microprocesador podrá llevar a cabo cualquier programa que se le introduzca siempre y cuando se pueda realizar con el conjunto de instrucciones definido. Todo esto se lleva a cabo en diferentes partes. Primero, se definen los elementos con los que se va a operar: dispositivos (actualidad y futuro), lenguajes de programación, programas empleados… A continuación se realiza el propio microprocesador sobre el dispositivo FPGA y se le realizan las diferentes pruebas para comprobar su funcionamiento.Departamento de Tecnología ElectrónicaGrado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome Type Arthrochalasia: A Systematic Review

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    Ehlers–Danlos syndrome type arthrochalasia (aEDS) is a rare genetic disease characterized by severe generalized joint hypermobility, bilateral congenital hip dislocation, skin hyperextensibility, muscle hypotonia, and mild dysmorphic features. It is an autosomal dominant connective tissue disease causing defects in collagen, associated with two genes, COL1A1 or COL1A2. Only about 42 cases have been published worldwide. Treatment is currently symptomatic and focuses on increasing the quality of life of these patients, as there is no curative treatment. The main objective of the review was to update information on Ehlers–Danlos syndrome type arthrochalasia from scientific publications. The review report was carried out in accordance with the criteria of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and MetaAnalyses (PRISMA) review protocol, by searching Orphanet, OMIM, PubMed, and Scopus, as well as free sources. A total of 20 articles were analyzed, which, after analysis, provide an updated report that aims to establish a solid starting point for future lines of research

    Planar microwave resonant sensors : a review and recent developments

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    Microwave sensors based on electrically small planar resonant elements are reviewed in this paper. By virtue of the high sensitivity of such resonators to the properties of their surrounding medium, particularly the dielectric constant and the loss factor, these sensors are of special interest (although not exclusive) for dielectric characterization of solids and liquids, and for the measurement of material composition. Several sensing strategies are presented, with special emphasis on differential-mode sensors. The main advantages and limitations of such techniques are discussed, and several prototype examples are reported, mainly including sensors for measuring the dielectric properties of solids, and sensors based on microfluidics (useful for liquid characterization and liquid composition). The proposed sensors have high potential for application in real scenarios (including industrial processes and characterization of biosamples)